
FIFO and LIFO: Find Your Ideal Inventory Management Method

Hey there! Are you ready to dive into the world of inventory management? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of FIFO and LIFO, two popular methods for managing your stock. We’ll break down their pros and cons and help you decide which is right for your business. But that’s not all – we’ll also share some tips on how to keep your inventory management game strong with automation, regular checks, and strategic planning. So, let’s get started and master the art of inventory management together!

FIFO and LIFO on chalk board

First-In, First-Out (FIFO) Inventory Management

FIFO is a popular inventory management method where the first items to arrive in your inventory are the first to be sold. This means the oldest items get sold first, regardless of their current market prices or costs.

FIFO Perks:

  • Keeps perishables fresh: FIFO ensures the older items are sold first, which is fantastic for businesses with perishable goods. For example, one of our brewery clients noticed less spoilage and waste using the FIFO method.
  • Goes with the flow: Older items are usually stored up front in most businesses. FIFO fits this natural flow, making inventory management and tracking a breeze.
  • Avoids obsolescence and waste: FIFO helps prevent items from getting outdated or expiring before they’re sold, cutting down on waste and financial losses.

FIFO Drawbacks:

  • Possibility of higher taxes: Companies using FIFO must use the oldest cost data for taxable income calculations. This could mean a higher tax liability, especially when the cost of goods increases over time.
  • Might clash with market trends: The cost of older items may not match current market prices, causing potential hiccups in profit margins and financial reporting.
LIFO on a spreadsheet

LIFO: Last-In, First-Out Inventory Management

LIFO is another inventory management method where the last items in your inventory are the first to be sold. So, the newest items get sold first, no matter their cost or market price.

LIFO Advantages:

  • Lower taxable income: LIFO requires companies to use the newest cost data for taxable income calculations. This often leads to lower taxable income, especially when the cost of goods rises.
  • Aligns with market trends: LIFO better reflects current market prices, as newer items’ costs are more likely to match recent market trends.

LIFO Disadvantages:

Doesn’t fit the natural flow: In most businesses, newer items are stored at the back. LIFO doesn’t always match this natural flow, which could make inventory management and track more challenging.

Higher risk of obsolescence and waste: With LIFO, older items are sold last, increasing the chances of them becoming outdated or expiring before being sold.

FIFO and LIFO: The Ultimate Showdown

Choosing between FIFO and LIFO depends on factors like tax liability, physical flow of goods, and market trends. Ensure to thoroughly assess your company’s needs and chat with financial experts to make the best decision for your business.

No matter which method you choose, it’s essential to have a solid inventory management system in place. This could involve using software and tech to automate inventory tracking, doing regular physical inventory counts, and continuously reviewing and tweaking your inventory management strategies to align with your business goals.

Wrapping up on FIFO and LIFO

And that’s a wrap on our journey through the FIFO and LIFO inventory management world! We hope you now understand these two methods better and feel more equipped to choose the right one for your business. Remember, inventory management is not a one-size-fits-all approach – it’s crucial to continuously review and adjust your strategies to align with your business goals. With the right mix of technology, regular inventory checks, and strategic planning, you’ll be well on your way to inventory management success.

Did you know that Clarus WMS can significantly help you streamline and optimise your inventory management process regardless of your chosen method?

Clarus WMS is designed to adapt to your business processes, making it an excellent choice for those looking to implement the FIFO or LIFO method. By utilising our advanced warehouse management system, you can expect improved efficiency, better decision-making, and significant cost savings, ultimately contributing to your business’s growth and profitability.

Don’t let inventory management hold you back – book a demo today to discover how Clarus WMS can revolutionise your approach to inventory management, ensuring you stay competitive in today’s fast-paced market. Experience how our customisable system can be tailored to suit your unique business needs, providing you with the tools and insights necessary to excel in inventory management, regardless of your chosen method.

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