
Understanding SKU: A Guide to Inventory Management Made Easy

Meet the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), your new best friend in retail and e-commerce. This handy little identifier is the key to unlocking a whole new level of inventory management for your business. In this all-in-one guide, we will dive deep into SKUs and explore their importance for businesses dealing with physical goods.

Stock Keeping Unit SKU graphic

What’s a SKU, You Ask?

An SKU is a secret code assigned to each product in a retail store or e-commerce platform. It’s the magic ticket that helps businesses quickly and easily pinpoint specific products. SKUs come in all shapes and sizes but usually involve a mix of letters and numbers.

Imagine you’re a clothing retailer with a fantastic t-shirt collection. You’d assign an SKU to each t-shirt design, taking into account size and colour. So, a large red t-shirt might get an SKU like ‘T-SHIRT-LR-RD,’ while a medium blue t-shirt could rock a ‘T-SHIRT-MB-BL.’

Why SKUs are the Real MVPs

SKUs are a big deal when it comes to inventory management. They give businesses the power to keep tabs on their products, stay on top of sales and demand, and ensure replenishment runs smoothly. Here’s a look at some of the perks of using SKUs:

Inventory Management

Thanks to SKUs, businesses can easily track how many products they have in stock and where they’re located. This intel is essential for making smart decisions about restocking and avoiding the dreaded overstock or stock shortage. In fact, the Retail Owners Institute found that a well-executed SKU system can help cut inventory costs by 20-30% through better management decisions.

Sales and Demand Tracking

Unique SKUs allow businesses to track sales and demand, offering priceless insights into customer behaviour and buying habits. With this info, businesses can make informed choices about product pricing, promotions, and marketing efforts. A 2018 McKinsey & Company report revealed that retailers who use SKU-level data to optimize pricing and promotions could boost their operating margins by up to 2%.

Order Fulfilment

SKUs are also the heroes of order fulfilment, helping businesses quickly and accurately identify products and process orders. This ensures customers get their hands on the products they order quickly and efficiently. The IHL Group found that retailers with top-notch SKU management systems saw a whopping 50% reduction in out-of-stock occurrences, leading to happier customers.

Creating an SKU System: Easier Than You Think

Building a SKU system may seem like a tall order, but it’s a piece of cake. Just follow these steps to create an effective SKU system:

  1. Figure Out What Info to Track – Before creating an SKU system, determine what info you need to track for each product. This could include product features like size, colour, material, or style.
  2. Assign Unique SKUs to Each Product – Once you know what info to track, start assigning unique SKUs to each product. Make your SKUs easy to read, memorable, and reflect the product’s features.
  3. Set Up a Consistent Format for SKUs – Ensure you have a consistent format, including a set length and character format. This will help make your SKU system user-friendly and easy to understand.
  4. Put Your SKU System into Action – Finally, implement your SKU system in your inventory management software or system. This will let you track and manage your products like a pro.


SKUs are the secret sauce for successful inventory management, sales and demand tracking, and order fulfilment. By creating a tailored SKU system for your business, you’ll be well on streamlining operations and boosting your bottom line. So, go ahead and embrace the power of SKUs—you won’t regret it!

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