
Inventory Optimisation: Turbocharge Your SMB’s Efficiency

Tackling inventory management for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re tight on warehouse space. In this article, we’ll dive into inventory optimisation techniques. These handy tips and actionable steps will help you supercharge your inventory management and leave your competitors in the dust.

Inventory Optimisation graphic

Why Inventory Optimisation is Needed

Inventory optimisation is about balancing supply and demands perfectly, ensuring you always have the right stock. This is super important for SMBs thriving in ever-changing markets. Optimising your inventory will cut costs, boost revenue, and keep your customers grinning from ear to ear.

Inventory Optimisation Techniques to Amp Up Your SMB

Forecasting: Tap into data and analytics to predict demand like a boss. You can tweak your inventory levels to match by staying ahead of upcoming trends. A study by McKinsey & Company showed that businesses using cutting-edge forecasting techniques enjoyed a 5-10% drop in inventory holdings and a 2-3% boost in customer service levels.

Automation: Make your inventory management process a breeze with automation. Use barcode scanners, RFID tags, and warehouse management software like Clarus WMS. One Clarus client saw a 40% reduction in manual labour hours after automating their inventory management processes.

ABC Analysis: Rank your inventory by splitting items into categories based on their value using the ABC analysis method. This strategy lets you zero in on high-value items that raise the most cash. Research by Gartner suggests that companies using ABC analysis can slash excess inventory by up to 20%.

Safety Stock: Keep a stash of extra inventory to dodge stockouts. The ideal safety stock ensures you can handle surprise demand and sidestep lost sales. A study by the Aberdeen Group revealed that companies with optimised safety stock levels scored a 1-2% uptick in revenue.

Just-In-Time (JIT): Cut waste and crank efficiency by ordering inventory only when needed. This approach lowers storage costs and enhances cash flow. A report by Toyota, the brains behind JIT, found that implementing this system led to a 50% reduction in warehouse space and a jaw-dropping 90% decrease in lead times.

Vendor Management: Build rock-solid relationships with suppliers to guarantee a steady flow of goods. This might mean haggling for better prices, shortening lead times, and scouting for backup suppliers. Research by the Institute for Supply Management shows that top-notch vendor management can trim supply chain costs by up to 15%.

Wrapping up

To wrap up, inventory optimisation is the key to success for SMBs in today’s competitive and ever-changing market. By employing strategies, businesses can effectively manage their inventory even in constrained warehouse spaces. Although it may require initial planning, effort, and investment, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs, reducing excess inventory, lower storage costs, and improving cash flow. By mastering inventory management, SMBs can overcome challenges and gain a significant competitive edge in the market.

Don’t let inventory challenges hold your SMB back any longer! Discover how Clarus WMS can revolutionise how you manage your inventory, ensuring optimisation and efficiency even in limited spaces. Our cutting-edge solution enables seamless forecasting, automation, and vendor management, empowering your business to stay ahead in today’s competitive market. Say goodbye to excess inventory, high storage costs, and cash flow problems. Embrace the future of inventory management with Clarus WMS, and start reaping the benefits of a streamlined, cost-effective operation. Ready to transform your business? Request a free demo now!

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